Dial 119 to call the ambulance 救急車を呼ぶには119 Share!FacebookEmailTwitterWhatsApp 2019/03/06 Wednesday Health, Medical Care and Welfare ・If you or other person are suffering from a serious illness or injury and the symptoms are serious and you think that a doctor’s examination is necessary as soon as possible,please ask for emergency assistance. They will transport the patient to a medical institution according to the symptoms of the illness or injury. ・Call and notify 119 and they will dispatch an ambulance. →If you call 119, it will connect you to the fire department. →The fire department official will ask if it’s a “Fire (Kaji)” or “Emergency (Kyukyu)”, calmly answer “Emergency (Kyuukyu)”. →Tell them the location of the emergency and landmark of the place. →Tell the operator “who”, “when”, “where”, “what happened” in a simple way. →Give as much necessary information on how many are injured, sudden illness, the age and gender of the person. →Tell them your name and phone number. ・Toll charges and transportation costs are free, but medical expenses are required at medical institutions. ・It cannot be used in cases of mild symptoms of illness or slight injury. ・Yokkaichi City, Kuwana City and Komono-machi’s 119 have a “three-way telephone interpreting system”, and it is available in 5 languages (English, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish) Correspondence is possible (As of February 2019). ・Actions taken in case of emergency (sudden illness or injury) (video) http://mieinfo.com/ja/video-jp/kenkou-video-jp/kyu-yu-tokini-ni/index.html This article was prepared mainly with reference to “Multilingual Living Information “Local Government Internationalization Association” 「多言語生活情報」(一般財団法人自治体国際化協会). For more information please see here. http://www.clair.or.jp/tagengorev/ja/f/index.html Please also see “Ambulance User Manual” (Fire Department)「救急車利用マニュアル」(消防庁) http://www.fdma.go.jp/html/life/kyuukyuusya_manual/pdf/2011/japanese.pdf (日本語) http://www.fdma.go.jp/html/life/kyuukyuusya_manual/pdf/2011/english.pdf (English) http://www.fdma.go.jp/html/life/kyuukyuusya_manual/pdf/2011/chinese.pdf (中文) http://www.fdma.go.jp/html/life/kyuukyuusya_manual/pdf/2011/korean.pdf (한국어) Share!FacebookEmailTwitterWhatsApp « Reservations are necessary in most dentists. Let’s observe the reservation time Let’s use the insurance card correctly! » ↑↑ Next Information ↑↑ Reservations are necessary in most dentists. Let’s observe the reservation time 2019/03/06 Wednesday Health, Medical Care and Welfare ほとんどの歯科で予約が必要です!予約時間は守りましょう! Share!FacebookEmailTwitterWhatsApp Reservations are common in dentistry. Let’s observe reservation time so as not to be late or cancel without prior notice First time going to the dentist During a follow-up examination Please go directly to the dental clinic in time for your scheduled appointment. In Japanese dentistry, treatment is not done once, it will mostly take multiple times. One of the reasons is to not impose too much burden on the patient’s body, etc. Please continue until all the treatment is over. The treatments are usually covered by insurance but there are some treatments that are not covered by insurance. Please check with your dentist well before treatment. Share!FacebookEmailTwitterWhatsApp