A new status of residence “Specified Skilled Worker” starts on April 1st, 2019


2019/04/03 Wednesday Announcements

From April 1st, 2019, in order to cope with serious labor shortage situations, a new status of residence “Specified Skilled Worker” was created as a system to accept foreigners who have a certain level of expertise and skills and can be an immediate asset . There are two types of “Specified Skilled Worker”, No. 1 and No. 2. This article reports on No. 1, since No. 2 is scheduled to start from year 2021.

<Main features of Specified Skilled Worker No.1>

  1. Description of business: 14 specific industries.
    * Please see p. 3 here for details.
  2. Period of stay: Up to 5 years in total
    * It is necessary to renew the qualification every one year, six months or four months.
  3. Skill level: Will be confirmed by examination, etc.
    * People who have completed Technical Intern Training Program No. 2 are exempted.
  4. Level of Japanese Language Proficiency: The Japanese language proficiency needed to daily live and work will be checked by examination, etc.
    * People who have completed Technical Intern Training Program No. 2 are exempted.
  5. Age: 18 years old and above
  6. Bringing a family: basically, not possible

*For more information, please see the Ministry of Justice website below. (Japanese only)

*If you need further information or would like to consult, please contact the nearest Immigration Bureau.

Source: Ministry of Justice residence status “Specified Skilled Worker” Leaflet
Created based on http://www.moj.go.jp/content/001290040.pdf

Japanese medical culture and rules

2019/04/03 Wednesday Announcements


【Japanese medical culture and rules】

  • In most Japanese clinics and hospitals, the consultations are done on a first-come-first-served basis. Therefore, you may have to wait for 1 to 2 hours.
  • In dentistry, the reservation system is common. Clinics and hospitals also needs reservations.
  • Please tell the receptionist, nurse etc. in advance, the availability of your schedule and restrictions for treatment due to religious reasons, allergies, work schedules etc.
  • We must observe the reservation time and visiting hours.
  • There are places in the hospital where mobile phones should not be used. Check with the hospital staff when you want to use it.

【Things necessary for consultation】

  • Health insurance card
  • Residence card (ID card)
  • Medicine’s that you have been taking
  • Letters of introduction (if you have one)
  • Medical expenses are mainly paid by cash. Credit cards can be used in some places.

For safe medical care】

  • If you are worried about the language, please use the interpreting service. If the service is not available, you should be proficient in Japanese or ask a reliable adult to be your interpreter.

[Medical institutions with medical interpreter]

  • It is also important to ask the doctor for an explanation about the medical examination results, medicine etc. until you can understand it.
  • In order to receive medical treatment with peace of mind, it is important to use a consultation agency or a medical social worker.
  • “Multilingual medical questionnaire form” “Multilingual examination application form” is available. Those who can not explain symptoms or medical history in Japanese, it will be useful to fill in beforehand and bring it during the consultation.

「多言語医療問診票」(国際交流ハーティ港南台、かながわ国際交流財団)”Multilingual Medical Questionnaire” (International exchange, Kanagawa International Foundation)
http://www.kifjp.org/medical/index.html (18 languages)

[Multilingual examination application form] (AMDA International Medical Information Center)

http://amda-imic.com/oldpage/amdact/PDF/jap/pl-shinsatsu-j.pdf (Japanese)
http://amda-imic.com/oldpage/amdact/PDF/por/pl-shinsatsu-p.pdf (Portuguese)
http://amda-imic.com/oldpage/amdact/PDF/spa/pl-shinsatsu-s.pdf (Spanish)
http://amda-imic.com/oldpage/amdact/PDF/fil/pl-shinsatsu-f.pdf (Filipino)
http://amda-imic.com/oldpage/amdact/PDF/chi/pl-shinsatsu-c.pdf (Chinese)
http://amda-imic.com/oldpage/amdact/PDF/eng/pl-shinsatsu-e.pdf (English)

*Please use it at your own risk.


  • If you receive a prescription at a medical institution, go to a dispensing pharmacy.
  • The prescription has an expiration date.

*This article was prepared mainly with reference to “Multilingual Living Information” (Local Government Internationalization Association) 「多言語生活情報」(一般財団法人自治体国際化協会)

For more information, please see here:

*Please see the following site as well.

“Medical Guidebook for Foreigners” (Center for Multicultural Society Kyoto)「外国人のための医療ガイドブック」(多文化共生センターきょうと)
https://www.tabunkakyoto.org/%E5%A4%9A%E8%A8%80%E8%AA%9E%E8%B3%87%E6%96%99/ (Easy Japanese, English, Chinese, Korean)

“Telephone Consultation about Tuberculosis for Foreigners” (Japan Anti-Tuberculosis Association)「外国人結核電話相談」(公益財団法人結核予防会)
http://www.jata.or.jp/outline_support.php#jump4 (Japanese, English, Korean, Chinese, Vietnamese, etc.)

http://www.jata.or.jp Top page of The Research Institute of Tuberculosis (結核研究所のトップページ)