Mie Prefecture is accepting donations for “Hometown Tax Payment for Reconstruction Assistance”


2024/03/13 Wednesday Announcements, Culture and Leisure

In January 2024, an earthquake occurred in Ishikawa Prefecture. Mie Prefecture is accepting tax donations on behalf of Wajima City, Ishikawa Prefecture, to support reconstruction.

For donations, please select “令和6年能登半島地震石川県輪島市復興支援 (Reiwa 6-nen Noto Hanto Jishin Ishikawa-ken Wajima-shi Fukko Shien)” as the recipient of your donation, and the total amount of your donation to Mie Prefecture will be sent to Wajima City (Ishikawa), after deducting settlement fees such as credit card fees and administrative fees such as postage costs.

Donation acceptance period

January 17, 2024 to March 25, 2024

Donation method 

Check here (Mie Prefecture website).

What is the Furusato Tax (Furusato Nouzei)?

Furusato Tax is a system that allows you to make a donation (hometown tax payment) to a municipality of your choice.

When you make a donation, the total donation amount exceeding 2,000 yen is in principle deducted from your income tax and municipal tax (there is a maximum limit on the amount that can be deducted).

Income tax is reduced in the year the donation is made.

In the case of residential tax, the residential tax for the year following the year of donation will be reduced.

Protect yourself against earthquakes and tsunamis ~ What to do in case of an earthquake ~

2024/03/13 Wednesday Announcements, Culture and Leisure

地震・津波から身を守ろう ~地震が起きた時にすること~

Check the hazard maps (MieInfo article) – click here

Have a Meeting About Disaster Management With Your Family (MieInfo article) – click here

If an earthquake occurs in a building…

  • Protect yourself by hiding under a sturdy table or desk (furnitures may tip over and objects may fall).
  • Be aware of broken glass indoors (always wear shoes when evacuating).
  • Open doors to ensure your exit (buildings and doors may deform and doors may not open).

If an earthquake occurs while you are cooking…

  • If you are using fire directly while cooking, put out the fire calmly in the early stages (trying to put out a fire when it is shaking a lot can cause burns, so put out the fire calmly after the shaking has subsided).

If an earthquake occurs while you are in the shower or bathroom…

  • Showers and bathrooms are relatively safe places, as the rooms are small and are usually close to the building’s pillars. Try not to run away desperately.

If an earthquake occurs while you are in your room…

  • Protect your head with a pillow. Protect yourself by hiding under the duvet or bed.

If an earthquake occurs while driving a car…

  • Do not brake suddenly. Stop on the left side of the road
  • When leaving the car, turn off the engine with the keys in the ignition and do not lock the doors (leave the car open so that other people can move around)

If an earthquake occurs while you are outside (outdoors)…

  • Be aware that block walls, vending machines and electricity poles may fall!
  • Try to evacuate in as large a space as possible (to reduce the risk of injury from collapsing buildings).
  • Evacuate on foot (in principle, do not go by car).

If an earthquake occurs while you are by the sea or in a river…

  • If you feel an earthquake, do not wait for a warning or alarm, evacuate to higher ground immediately!
  • Even if you don’t feel an earthquake, evacuate immediately when a tsunami alert or warning is announced.
  • Never return until the tsunami warning/alert is lifted