How to proceed in case of a ballistic missile attack


2017/09/11 Monday Announcements

If it is confirmed a ballistic missile has been launched over Japan the government will use the national system of instant warning called “J-Alert” to transmit emergency information.

By using the system “J-Alert” a special alarm along with a message through the emergency transmission system will be issued and an emergency message will be also send to cell phones.

Why sometimes the “J-Alert” system does not activate even if a ballistic missile is launched?

The “J-Alert” is used if there is the possibility of a ballistic missile falls over Japan’s territory or sea or if there is the possibility a missile flies over the country.

Therefore, if it is decided there is no possibility the missile falls over Japan’ territory, sea or flies over the country, the J-Alert will not be issued.

Example of message issued by “J-Alert” system



(Take shelter immediately! Take shelter immediately! Take shelter immediately in resistant structure buildings or underground. We may be hit by a missile. Take shelter immediately!)

Sound reproduction of “J-Alert” siren (mp3)

*It is prohibited to replicate the sound or record and reproduce it illegally.

“If the “J-Alert” activates, be calm and act immediately.

  1. Take shelter quickly

In the case you are in another place other than your home: go to resistant-structure buildings or underground (commercial centers underground, subway stations, among others).

In the case there are no buildings: go to covered places or get down and protect your head.

In  the case you are inside a house: keep away from windows or go to the room with no windows.

  1. Seek accurate information as fast as possible.

Focus on collect information through television, radio, Internet and others.

In the case there are orders from the government, be calm and act according to the instructions.

In the case a missile falls in a near place:

In the case you are outdoors: Cover your nose with a cloth, keep away from the place and go to tall and sealed buildings or follow wind direction.

In the case you are indoors:  Turn the exhaust fans off, close the windows, seal the gaps and seal the rooms.

You can find more details at Cabinet Secretariat Civil Protection Portal Site:

Autumn National Traffic Safety Campaign

2017/09/11 Monday Announcements


A campaign aiming to increase awareness on traffic safety and respect the rules and good manners for driving safety will be carried out for all prefecture’s citizens.

Campaign period:     

Sep 21 (Thursday) to Sep 30 (Saturday) – 10-day event

*The 30th (Saturday) will be the “day we aim to reduce the deaths by traffic accidents”

Subjects spotlighted nationwide

  • Protection for pedestrians, elderly and children and traffic accident prevention caused by elderly drivers.
  • Traffic accident prevention by drivers and pedestrians in late afternoon and at night.
  • Proper use of seat belt and infant car seat
  • Eradicate drunken driving

Subject spotlighted in Mie Prefecture

Pedestrian priority on crosswalk

When there is someone crossing the crosswalk, the vehicles must stop for a while to ensure the safety and give priority to pedestrians.

For traffic safety, cars and bicycles must turn on the lights beforehand and the pedestrians and cyclists must use reflective materials.

It is required by law the use of seat belt and car seat for children in all seats, including the back seats.

Mie Prefectural Police