Collaborate with National Population Census 2015


2015/08/03 Monday Announcements, Highlights

Censo demografico-2015

On October 1st, 2015, the population census will be held throughout Japan.

The census is carried out every 5 years, and the target audience are everyone residing in Japan, including foreign residents. This demographic research is carried out under Japan’s statistics law, therefore, we must follow the legislation and provide necessary information.

The census comprises 17 information, such as number of people in the family, as well as, gender, date of birth, nationality, type of service of each person, and type of house.

af0150015158Census form will be handed out from early September, in each house by designated officials. In October the same official will make another visit to check and collect the completed form. From this census, it will be possible to fill out the data through internet or smartphones, accessing the forms available in English or Japanese.

The government officials designated to hand out and collect the forms will be temporary, therefore, check out if they are using a badge and an identification bracelet.

An envelope containing the completed form can be sealed and, in this case, the official cannot open it to verify the content. It is possible to send it by mail. If you do not want to hand out the form to the designated official, send it by mail directly to the mailbox of the government’s responsible body.

The data collected through the census will be used to elaborate statistical evaluations, and there is no risk of being given to other governmental bodies (such as immigration, tax agency or police) therefore, answer it easily.

The results of this census will provide improvements in the social welfare area, employability measures, disaster prevention and others important factors in order to build a better society to everyone.

We ask for the comprehension and collaboration of all to carry out the national population census 2015.

Career Guide for Foreign Students in Japan

2015/08/03 Monday Announcements, Highlights


guia de carreiras no japaoIn  Japan,  the  amount  of  career  information  published  in  foreign  languages  is  limited.  This career guide is designed to close that gap and to assist young people, whose first language is not Japanese, in choosing a suitable career path so that they can begin to pursue their goals purposefully.   The   ultimate   aim   of   this   guide   is   to   help   young   people   become   financially independent,  effective  members  of  society  in Japan.  It  is  our  hope  that  many  young  people, whose  first  language  is  not  Japanese,  may  be  able  to  play  active  roles  in  a  diverse  range  of professions  in  Japan.

Job  description

The   first   section   is   an   overview   of   the   job.   If   any   job   interests   you,   you   can   research independently  or ask your  friends or teachers at school  to find out more.

Career  pathway  map

For  jobs  which  require  higher  education,  the  career  pathway  map  shows  what  experience, courses or exams are required to pursue that career.

Job  prospects

This section includes information about the workplace and the salary of the job. The annual income  and  starting  salaries  are  based  on  information  found  online  or  from  other  career guides. These are approximations  and are to be used for reference only.

Tuition  information

This section provides information on the cost of tuition for universities or vocational schools.

Tuition   costs   vary   according   to   the   type   of   institution.   For   more   accurate   or   detailed information  about tuition  costs please check with  the relevant school  or university.

Scholarship  information

Information regarding  scholarships  for  high  school  and university  students  can  be  found at the Japan  Student Services Organization  website (

Students must apply for scholarships through their educational institution so please contact them  for  more  information.

Those  who  are  interested  in  studying  nursing  or  medicine  can  contact  the  relevant educational  institution  to  find  out  more  about  special  scholarships  offered  by prefectures  or  hospitals.

Career Guide for Foreign Students in Japan