What is Hay Fever (Kafunsho)?


2019/11/11 Monday Health

Have you ever felt your eyes itching, runny nose or started to sneeze from pollen? These are flu-like symptoms, but they can be kafunsho.

What is hay fever?

It is an allergy that occurs when the body reacts excessively against the pollen that has entered the body.

What are the symptoms?

The body tries to rid itself of pollen by either “sneezing” and washing it out in the form of tears and nasal mucus. Other symptoms can occur including inflammation, itchy eyes or stuffy nose.

When does pollen usually occurs in the air?

Pollen spreads at any time of the year. However, the period in which symptoms appear depends on person to person. In spring, the main pollens are from trees such as cedar and cypress (sugi and hinoki). In early summer, grasses pollen is common, while from mid-summer to fall, pollen levels of chrysanthemum, sunflower, among others increases.

What to do when you have the symptoms?

It is recommended to visit the otolaryngologist (in Japanese, called Jibiinkou-ka or Jibi-ka) for nose-related symptoms, and the ophthalmologist (in Japanese, called Gan-ka) for eye symptoms.  It is also possible to consult at general practitioners (Nai-ka), allergists (allergy-ka) or pediatricians (shouni-ka) for children.

About the treatment

There are various methods of therapies such as drug treatment, desensitization, surgical treatments, etc. Therefore, it is important to consult with a doctor.

With the right treatment and prevention methods, you can reduce your symptoms. If you have kafunsho, make an appointment before the start of the kafunsho period and prevent it as soon as possible.

Prevention: what to do daily?

  1. To prevent inhaling and entering pollen in the body:
  • Wear masks and glasses when leaving home
  • Wear clothes and hats with smooth surface.
  • Wash your hands, gargle and take the pollen off your clothes when you get home
  • Constantly clean your home with wet clothes or mops
  • Hang you laundry indoors
  1. Have a good quality sleep
  2. Have a healthy routine
  3. Eat balanced meals
  4. Be careful of excessive alcohol consumption.
  5. If you smoke, try reducing the number of cigarettes.

When airborne pollen level increases, many patients experience the symptoms immediately, and others take longer. The intensity is also different for each person.

Symptoms may be stronger or weaker according to the amount of pollen in the air, so there are many people who have no symptoms when the amount of pollen is low.

It is important to be careful so there will be no symptoms of kafunsho. Pay attention to recent information and avoid leaving home in times when there are plenty of pollen. Use the information in this video to protect yourself from kafunsho!





Special High School Admissions for Non-Japanese Students in Mie Prefecture 2020 (Reiwa 2)

2019/11/11 Monday Health


  1. Eligibility Criteria (for non-Japanese applicants, etc.)

Non-Japanese individuals living with their guardians in Mie or with plans to live in Mie who have been residing in Japan for no more than 6 years by April 1, 2020.

  1. Information on available high schools, curriculum, and documents to be submitted

Please see the 2020 Mie Prefectural High School Admissions Screening Guidelines (令和2年度三重県立高等学校入学者選抜実施要項), available at the following link:

  1. Number of Applications Accepted

As a general rule, each prefectural high school will accept up to 5 non-Japanese and/or returnee students through this screening. However, Iino High School’s English Communication Department will be accepting up to 10 non-Japanese and/or returnee students. The aforementioned figures reflect the total number of applications accepted during both first and second semester admissions. The maximum capacity of each respective school will be considered during the admissions process, and no school will exceed its student quota.

  1. Application Period and Evaluation Dates (2020)
Application Period Evaluation Dates
First semester admissions (Zenki Senbatsu) January 27 (monday) ~ January 30 (thursday) February 6 and 7 (thursday and friday)
Second semester admission (Kouki Senbatsu) February 21 (friday) ~ February 27 (thursday)

*Until February 26 (Wednesday) for part-time schools.
Except saturday and sunday

March 10 (tuesday)
  1. Evaluation Methods

[First semester admissions] (Zenki Senbatsu)

Evaluation methods will vary by school and may include: interviews, evaluation of self-expression, essays, and/or written tests.

List of evaluation rules of each school: http://www.pref.mie.lg.jp/common/content/000858561.pdf

[Second semester admissions] (Kouki Senbatsu)

Essay and Interview

Evaluation by essay and interview will be conducted in the applicant’s native language, English, or Japanese. The decision of whether to admit an applicant will rest with the principal of the school. A written test may also be administered at the discretion of the school’s principal.

  1. Additional Screening Procedures

In addition to the evaluation methods addressed in the sections above, each school will also require that applicants submit a record of their junior high school grades in order to determine suitability and fit.

Please see the 2020 Mie Prefectural High School Admissions Screening Guidelines (令和2年度三重県立高等学校入学者選抜実施要項) or the 2020 Mie Prefectural Special Support High School Admissions Screening Guidelines (令和2年度三重県立特別支援学校入学者募集要項), available at the following link:


For more details about scholarship and the japanese high school system, see the Guidebook to Application for Senior High Schools made by Mie International Exchange Foundation (MIEF).



Mie-ken Kyouiku Iinkai Jimukyoku Koutou Kyouiku-ka Career Kyouiku-han (三重県教育委員会事務局 高校教育課 キャリア教育班)

TEL: 059-224-2913 (only japanese)