Spring National Traffic Safety Campaign


2025/02/27 Thursday Security

Spring is the season when children enter kindergarten and go to school with a new mindset. As the weather gets warmer and we have more opportunities to go out, there are concerns that there will be more traffic accidents.

To avoid causing traffic accidents due to slight carelessness and inattentiveness, each of us should raise our awareness of traffic safety and strive to drive safely with a sense of calm and peace of mind.

  1. Period

From April 6 (Sunday) to April 15 (Tuesday), 2025 – a 10-day period.

April 10 (Thursday) is “Zero Traffic Accident Fatalities Day.”

  1. Key Focus Areas of the Initiative

(1) Ensuring a Safe Road Traffic Environment for Pedestrians, Especially Children, and Promoting Proper Crossing Practices

  • As a society, we must protect the irreplaceable lives of children, who will shape the future.
  • Children may act unpredictably. When you see a child, reduce your speed and drive safely.
  • Engage in monitoring activities on school routes and residential streets.
  • Teach children to always use crosswalks when available and to stop and check both ways before crossing. Additionally, instruct them to stay aware of their surroundings even while crossing.
  • Traffic violations and accidents involving pedestrians are not limited to children.
    Avoid crossing immediately before or after moving vehicles and never ignore traffic signals, as these behaviors are extremely dangerous.

(2) Promoting Pedestrian Priority Awareness, Eliminating Distracted Driving, and Encouraging Proper Use of Seatbelts and Child Safety Seats

  • Giving priority to pedestrians at crosswalks is not just a matter of etiquette but a traffic rule established by the Road Traffic Act.
  • Unless it is clear that no pedestrians are crossing, drivers must slow down when approaching a crosswalk and proceed safely.
  • If a pedestrian is waiting to cross, stop before the crosswalk and give them the right of way.
  • Additionally, driving under the influence of alcohol is strictly prohibited.
    DUI offenses carry severe penalties, and those caught driving under the influence or causing an accident may lose their job, family, and more.
    Let’s work together as a society to create an environment that prevents drunk driving.
  • Bicycles are also considered vehicles, and riding a bicycle under the influence of alcohol is strictly prohibited. (Due to a revision in the Road Traffic Act, riding a bicycle while intoxicated has been subject to penalties since November of last year.)
  • Besides drunk driving, aggressive driving behaviors such as road rage can lead to serious traffic accidents and are considered malicious and dangerous crimes.
    Drive with a sense of consideration and mutual respect for others on the road.

(3) Promoting Helmet Use and Compliance with Traffic Rules When Using Bicycles and Specified Small Motorized Bicycles

  • Bicycles are a convenient mode of transportation that anyone can use without a driver’s license, but they are still classified as “vehicles” and must follow traffic rules.
  • Be aware of the dangers posed to yourself and others by risky behaviors such as riding double, riding side by side, holding an umbrella while cycling, and using smartphones or earphones while riding. Avoid all forms of dangerous cycling.
  • Specified small motorized bicycles (such as electric kick scooters that meet specific size and other criteria) also have detailed regulations.
    Always check the relevant traffic rules before using them.
  • When riding a bicycle or an electric kick scooter, wear a helmet to protect your life and always follow the correct traffic rules.
  • Electric bicycles with pedals (commonly known as “mopeds”) are legally classified as either motorized bicycles or automobiles.
    Even if you ride using only the pedals without using the motor, a driver’s license and enrollment in mandatory automobile liability insurance are still required. When using a moped, be sure to follow traffic rules and ride safely.

Click here for the National Spring Traffic Safety Campaign awareness flyer.

  1. Contact (Japanese only)

Mie-ken Kankyo Seikatsu-bu Kurshi Koutsu Anzen-ka Koutsu Anzen-han (三重県 環境生活部 くらし・交通安全課 交通安全班)

TEL: 059-224-2410

It is now possible to request a tax payment certificate via smartphone

2025/02/27 Thursday Security


When foreign residents apply for permanent residence permission to the government, they need a tax payment certificate 納税証明書 – Nozei Shoumeisho (a document proving that they have no outstanding national taxes).

If you have a smartphone (one that can read My Number cards), you can apply for a tax payment certificate. This takes much less time than going through all the procedures at the tax office, so please make use of it.

For details on the procedure, please see the leaflet below.

(Portuguese) How to request a tax payment certificate via smartphone

 (Spanish) How to request a tax payment certificate via smartphone

(English) How to request a tax payment certificate via smartphone

(Vietnamese) How to request a tax payment certificate via smartphone

(Filipino) How to request a tax payment certificate via smartphone

(Chinese) How to request a tax payment certificate via smartphone