Mie Prefecture’s Official Disaster Prevention App, Mie Bousai Navi 三重県公式防災アプリ「みえ防災ナビ」の運用を開始しました Share!FacebookEmailTwitterWhatsApp 2025/01/21 Tuesday Announcements, Security Mie Prefecture has launched the Mie Bousai Navi smartphone app, which allows users to check evacuation sites and hazard information around their current location in preparation for disasters such as the Nankai Trough earthquake. The app is available in eight languages (English, Traditional and Simplified Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish, Vietnamese, Tagalog and Japanese). The prefecture hopes that you will use Mie Bousai Navi to prepare for disasters. Download from the App Store (iOS version download link) Download from Google Play (Android version download link) About the translation The app’s content is automatically translated when it is launched, based on the language setting of your smartphone itself. Information that the app receives from external sources, such as weather information, is displayed in Japanese first. After receiving the information, press the translation button to translate it. What you can do with Mie Bousai Navi (1) Check nearby evacuation locations and directions from anywhere in the area. Push notifications are sent when emergency information (e.g. evacuation information from local authorities) is issued for the area around your current location. The app contains information about evacuation locations, evacuation centers, and risk areas nationwide, so you can search for nearby shelters using a digital map. The app can provide directions to the evacuation location you searched for. (2) Evacuation plans can be registered in advance. In preparation for the occurrence of wind damage and flooding, you can register your personal evacuation plan in advance, including emergency items to take with you and evacuation actions. (3) Various disaster prevention information can be checked. Various disaster prevention information in Mie Prefecture can be checked in one place on the digital map. *Information that can be checked: landslide risk data, rain cloud radar, rainfall information, river level information, river camera, tide level information, road closure information. Click here to view the Mie Bousai Navi brochure (Japanese only). Contact (In Japanese language only) Mieken Bousai Taisaku-bu Chiiki Bousai Suishin-ka Tel: 059-224-2185 Share!FacebookEmailTwitterWhatsApp « (Januart/2025) Application Period for Prefectural Housing Tenants It is now possible to request a tax payment certificate via smartphone » ↑↑ Next Information ↑↑ (Januart/2025) Application Period for Prefectural Housing Tenants 2025/01/21 Tuesday Announcements, Security (2025年1月)県営住宅の定期募集 Share!FacebookEmailTwitterWhatsApp Application Period for January January 7 (Tuesday) ~ January 31, 2025 (Friday) Basic information regarding prefectural housing (location, layout, rent, etc.), information regarding application procedures and other details will be available at the website below. Click here to view PDF file (Japanese Version) Click here to view PDF file (Portugues Version) Click here to view PDF file (Spanish Version) *Regarding the public housing with vacancies that are not filled through the regular application, from the day after the lottery until the vacancies are filled, service will be provided on a first-come first- served basis until the first wednesday of the next month. The deadline for this supplementary registration is October 31. * Single people will be able to move into provincial housing from April 2024. Fixed period of call for prefectural housing (Every year in the same period) Month Application Period by Post Date for selection by lottery Move in date April Start Date~30 Early May July 1 July Start Date~31 Early August October 1 October Start Date~31 Early November January 1 January Start Date~31 Early February April 1 *The start date for each application period is scheduled for the first Tuesday or Friday of the respective month Contact: Mie Ken Kendo Seibi-bu Jutaku Seisaku-ka Kou’ei Jutaku-han TEL: 059-224-2703 (*Inquires available only in Japanese) See below the Consultation Center of each region (1) Hokusei Block (Kuwana city, Yokkaichi city, Suzuka city, Kameyama city) TEL: 059- 373- 6802 (2) Chusei Iga Block (Tsu city, Iga city) TEL: 059-221-6171 (3) Nansei-Higashi Kishu Block (Matsusaka city, Ise city, Owase city, Kumano city) TEL: 059-222-6400 Please refer to the following URL for “Eligibility Requirements” and “Important Notes on Moving In”. http://www.pref.mie.lg.jp/JUTAKU/HP/35745031344.htm All information is in Japanese. Share!FacebookEmailTwitterWhatsApp