Regarding the rules to observe when gathering shellfish


2018/04/06 Friday Culture and Leisure

The season for gathering shellfish is already here, Mie Prefecture has established rules for protecting the marine resources. Even during shellfish gathering, there are rules that must be observed, and violating it will be subject to fines. Let ‘s follow the rules and enjoy gathering shellfish.

  1. Prohibition of the use of a scoop or a rake

People who are not recognized as fishermen are prohibited from catching fishery animals and plants using a scoop (an instrument with a net or basket at the end of the bar).

  1. Restrictions on the size of asari clams and hamaguri clams

It is forbidden to catch asari clams of 2 cm or less, and hamaguri clams of 3 cm or less.

It is forbidden to catch asari clams of 2 cm or less, and hamaguri clams of 3 cm or less.

  1. Prohibited places for shellfish gathering

Do not gather shellfish without permission in places where fishery rights are set. If you do not know whether the place allows shellfish gathering, please contact the local fishery cooperative association.

For more detailed rules, refer to the link below. (Japanese only)


Contact Information

Mie-ken Norin Suisan-bu Gyogo Kankyo-ka Gyogyouchousei

〒514-8570 Tsu-shi 13 Komei-cho(Main office 6F)

TEL  059-224-2588  FAX  059-224-2608

Let’s get your dog a rabies preventive injection

2018/04/06 Friday Culture and Leisure


Rabies infects not only dogs but also humans and other animals, and when it develops, it is almost 100% deadly. Approximately 55,000 people died of rabies every year around the world.

Dog rabies preventive injections are done every April in prefecture towns and cities. If you own a dog, please check the schedule in the public information of the city where you live, and be sure to let your dog receive a rabies preventive injection. You can also go to a veterinary animal hospital for the preventive injections.

Please observe the following duties stipulated by the rabies prevention law for dog owners.

1  Register your dog

2  Let your dog take a rabies preventive injection

3  Attach dogs’ registration (registration cards) and injected votes (proof of receiving injections) to the dog collar.

*The injection and registration are charged.

For the schedule of rabies preventive injection and procedures such as registration, please consult your city / town office.


※Reference※ About Rabies(by Kosei Rodosho)