Number of foreign residents in Mie Prefecture rises to 43.445 people


2017/03/07 Tuesday Announcements, Highlights, Housing

The number of foreign residents within Prefecture rose to 43.445 people

(up 4,4% from the previous year)

Results of the Regional Census and nationality of foreign residents (on 31st December, 2016)

In Mie Prefecture, an annual survey on foreign residents is carried out, in cooperation to municipalities and districts. The general view of this survey’s result is as follows. For more details, consult the Division of Multicultural Living’s website (

It should be mentioned that, regarding this survey, until 2011, the “number of foreign residents” was indicated based on the Law related to Foreigners Registration.

General overview of Survey’s results


(1)Number of foreign residents in Mie Prefecture updated in late 2016

43.455 people (up 4,4%, by 1.820 people, from the previous year)

※An increase for 3 years in a row since 2014

Represents 4,16 times the numbers for 1989 (10.441 people).


(2)Proportion of foreign residents compared with general population within the prefecture

2,36% (2,25% from the previous year [survey by Mie Prefecture] with a percentage increase of 0,11 points)

※Reference data: 2,37% updated in late 2015

(Fourth position of Japan according to the “Statistics of Foreign Residents by Ministry of Justice”)


(3)Number of foreign residents per region and nationality, accordingly to the following, by order of the country hosting the greater number.

Also, the number of home countries is 107 (in late 2015 they were 106 countries)

・Brazil           11.578 people, up 4,0% from previous year

・China    7.717 people※

・Philippines    6.155 people, up 2,6% from the previous year

※From this time, based on the statistics norm by Ministry of Justice, the sums referring China and Taiwan, as well as South Korea and North Korea, have been carried out apart.

In the statistics until the previous year, Taiwan and China were included, for this reason, it is not possible to provide the comparative data related to the previous year.


(4)Data on foreign residents by municipality/district are provided below, sorted by cities hosting the greater number of foreign residents.

・Yokkaichi municipality          8.162 people, proportion of foreign residents at 2,61%

・Tsu municipality                   7.582, proportion of foreign residents at 2,69%

・Suzuka municipality             7.251 people, proportion of foreign residents at 3,62%

Furthermore, municipalities/districts hosting the greater proportion of foreign residents, are presented as follows:

・Kisosaki District                    5,19%, 335 foreign residents

・Iga District                            4,82%, 4.527 foreign residents

・Suzuka Municipality             3,62%, 7.251 foreign residents


Ranking of the 10 countries accordingly to the nationality is as follows:

  Position Nationality Number of Foreign Residents Percentage of Composition Increase or Decrease Variation Rate
Brazil 11.578 people 26,6% 445 people 4,0%
China 7,717
Philippines 6.155
14,2% 155 people 2,6%
South Korea 4.490
Vietnam 3.293
7,6% 784 people 31,2%
Peru 2.957
6,8% -19 people -0,6%
Thailand 1.293
3,0% 122 people 10,4%
Indonesia 1.194
2,7% 210 pessoas 21,3%
Bolivia 864
2,0% -16 people -1,8%
10 Nepal 633
1,5% 93 people 17,2%
Outhers 3.271
Overall total in Mie Prefecture 43.445 people 100,0% 1.820

Note:  From this time, based on statistics norm by Ministry of Justice, China and Taiwan, as well as South Korea and North Korea, the figures were carried out apart.

Therefore, on the chart, the number of people from Taiwan is not mentioned on the data related to China. Furthermore, for Korea, the people are from Korean Peninsula.

As until the previous year the statistics used to include Taiwan in China and “South Korea and North Korea” were added together in South Korea, it is not possible to provide a comparison regarding the previous year.


The following is the ranking of the 5 countries of foreign residents at corresponding municipalities/districts hosting the greater number.

Number in brackets are the percentage of foreign residents in municipalities/districts in comparison to overall total of foreign population.

Nationality 1st Position 2st Position 3rd Position

11.578 people

Suzuka Municipality  2.669 people


Yokkaichi Municipality 2.041 people


Iga Municipality  1.969 people



7.717 people

Tsu Municipality   1.492 people


Yokkaichi Municipality 1.469 people


Suzuka Municipality 897 people



6.155 people

Matsusaka Municipality 2.262 people


 Tsu Municipality     1.235 people


Yokkaichi Municipality 733 people


South Korea

4.490 people

 Yokkaichi Municipality   1.563 people


Kuwana Municipality   650 people


Suzuka Municipality 517 people



3.293 people

Tsu Municipality   710 people


Yokkaichi Municipality   498 people


Iga Municipality  346 people




The following is the ranking in order of 10 municipalities/districts hositng the greater number of foreign residents.

The number of the 10 municipalities/districts of the ranking represent 91,3% of overall number of foreigners.

Position Municipality/District Number of Foreign Residents Percentual of Composition Increase or Decrease Variation rate
1 Yokkaichi Municipality 8.162
18,8% 286 people 3,6%
2 Tsu Municipality 7.582
17,5% 179 people 2,4%
3 Suzuka Municipality  7.251 people 16,7% 240 people 3,4%
4 Iga Municipality 4.527 people 10,4% 343 people 8,2%
Matsusaka Municipality 3.877 people 8,9% 37 people 1,0%
Kuwana Municipality  3.382 people 7,8%  333 people 10,9%
Kameyama Municipality 1.732
4,0% 85 people 5,2%
Inabe Municipality 1.528
3,5% 109 people 7,7%
Ise Municipality 828 people 1,9% -8 people -1,0%
10 Komono District 797 people 1,8% 18 people 2,3%


Looking for exchange scholars for academic year 2017

2017/03/07 Tuesday Announcements, Highlights, Housing


We are looking for exchange scholars for academic year 2017


Mie Prefecture offers a subsidy for students with excellent academic performance in order to form professionals who have a  broad and globalized vision. We look for exchange students studying abroad by themselves, international exchange students studying in Mie Prefecture, as well as university students studying medicine or nursing, among others within this prefecture to be able to benefit from the subsidy set for the academic year 2017.

[Subsidy category, number of scholarship students, subsidy amount]

Subsidy amount is equivalent to the cost of the classes from each university. However, it is divided into categories and the annual limit amounts are settled.

  • Exchange students studying abroad – up to 5 people – the limit amount is ¥1,2 million per year (above ¥840,000 per year according to the interscholastic agreement)
  • Foreign exchange students – up to 5 people – limit amount is ¥ 600,000 per year.
  • Students studying medicine, nursing , among others – up to 3 people – limit amount is ¥ 600,000 per year.

[Requirements to apply for the openings]

  • Exchange students studying abroad, on 1 April 2017
    ① You must have resided for more than 1 year in Mie Prefecture, or be dependent of someone living in the same prefecture
    ② Foreign students must meet one of the following conditions:
    ア. More than 1 year of residence in Mie Prefecture and have one of the following permanent visas: Permanent visa, son/daughter or spouse of a Japanese citizen, spouse of the person who have a permanent visa or Resident.
    イ. More than 1 year of residence  in Mie Prefecture and have the Special Permanent Visa.
    ウ. Be the son/daughter of the person meeting the conditions アand イ as well as have one of the types of visa mentioned above.
  • Foreign students and attending a university in Mie Prefecture.
  • Foreign students studying medicine, nursing among others and attending some related education institution.

*However, for the items (1), (2) and (3) the maximum age permitted is below 40 years-old with reference to the date 1 April 2017.

[Application period]
6 March to 21 April 2017 (at the latest at 5 p.m.)

[Form and application site]

The form is available on the following link:

The location to deliver the application form may vary according to the category. For more details, contact MIEF – Mie International Exchange Foundation. (International exchange students should consult the sector in charge at the university they are enrolled).

*Applications and contacts after 1 April 2017 should be made at Mie-ken Kankyo Seikatsu-bu Tabunka Kyousei-ka.

MIEF – Mie International Exchange Foundation


Department of Natural Environment and Daily Live – Sector of Multicultural Living


TEL:  059-223-5006

FAX:  059-223-5007



TEL:  059-222-5974

FAX:  059-222-5984



Address: 〒514-0009 Mie-ken Tsu-shi Hadokoro-cho 700 UST-Tsu 3F