Subsidy system for welfare and medical expenses


2016/06/21 Tuesday Health, Highlights

medical japan

Citizens who meet the following requirements are eligible to request the subsidy for medical expenses (Fukushi Iryohi Jyosei Seido). People who meet the requirements can make the application through the help desk in the nearest city office.

There are some cities that have extended the requirements by their own, therefore, for more details, contact the sector in charge in the city office (Fukushi Iryo Tanto-ka) or Mie-ken Kenko Fukushi-bu Iryo Taisaku-kyoku Imu Kokuho-ka, through the phone 059-224-2285 (only in Japanese).


  1. People with disabilities
    – People bearing Shintai Shogaisha Techo 1 kyu, 2kyu, 3 kyu
    – People assessed with QI below 35 or bearing Ryoiku Techo A1 (saijyudo) A2 (jyudo)
    – People bearing Shintai Shogaisha Techo 4 kyu and assessed with QI belox 50 or bearing Ryoiku Techo B1 (chudo)
    – People bearing Seishin Shogaisha Techo 1kyu (only for medical consultation)
    Anual income limit
    For families whose income from the previous year through the current year is higher than the specified amount are not eligible to receive this subside.


  1. Single parent family, among others
    – One of the parents or the young of a single parent family, in which the young completes 18 years by March 31st of the current year
    – Young people that completes 18 years by March 31st of the current year and has no father and mother
    Annual income limit
    In the case the Jido Fuyo Teate (partial receiving) of income from previous year through the current year is higher than the specified amount, single parent families are not eligible to receive this subsidy.
  2. Children
    – Children in school age through 6 grade of shogakko (until the end of first fiscal year after completing 12 years- old)- (modified in 2012, September 1)
    Annual incoming limit
    In the case Jido Teate of the previous year income through the current year is higher than the specified amount, children are no eligible to receive this subside.
    *Except the meals in the case of hospital admission

Be careful on diseases caused by heat!

2016/06/21 Tuesday Health, Highlights



We are now in a period in which temperature will rise gradually, increasing the risk of diseases caused by intense heat. Days with high temperatures or high humidity levels, no wind or if your body is not used to heat, are some of the cases you have to be careful.

Diseases caused by heat may also occur in close environment or when you are sleeping, therefore, be careful to changes in your physical conditions.

“Netchusho” is the term related to diseases caused by heat that occur when a person stays for a long time in a closed environment where the temperature and humidity are high, causing a change on body’s water levels and mineral salt. This change causes a failure in the organism function that controls corporal temperature and consequently are not able to tackle the fever fever accumulated in the body.



Dizziness, numbness on superior and inferior members, headache, nausea, among other symptoms. In more severe cases, the person may become unconscious or even die.



– Take in fluids frequently and supply mineral salt levels

– Wear clothes that facilitates air passage

– Use hats or umbrellas when outdoors

– Use a fan or air conditioner

Among others


How to proceed

– Seek shelter in ventilated places

– Loosen the clothes to cool the body

– Replace fluids and mineral salt, among others


In the case the individual show more severe symptoms and not able to drink fluids by herself/himself, or is unconscious, call an ambulance immediately.

We must be careful mainly on seniors and children as they are not able to realize their own bodies’ changes.

In order to everyone enjoys summer in a healthy and fun way, we must take care of our own body, as well as people around, to avoid the incidence of diseases caused by heat.



Mie-ken Kenko Fukushi-bu Iryo Taisaku-kyoku Kenko Zukuri-ka (in Japanese)

Tel: 059-224-2334