(2011/October) Applications for Prefectural Housing

県営住宅入居者の10月定期募集 – 募集期間 2011年10月4日~10月31日

2011/10/26 Wednesday Housing, News

Mie Prefectural Government Currently Accepting Applications for Prefectural Housing

The Mie Prefectural Government is currently accepting applications to live in prefecturally owned housing

There are four application periods each year, and the current application period is from October 4, 2011 to October 31, 2011. Applicants should fill in the appropriate fields on the application form, attach any necessary documents, and use the provided envelope to send their completed application to the designated administrating body for the region in which the residence is located. Applications must be made by post and only applications postmarked within the application will be considered.

Application materials were made available on Tuesday October 4, 2011 at construction offices in every municipality in Mie Prefecture. Application materials are also available in Portuguese and Spanish.

If there is a large number of applicants, successful candidates will be chosen by lottery.

Successful applicants will be allowed to enter their residences on January 1, 2012

For more information on the availability of prefectural housing, application requirements, and how to apply, please contact the appropriate administrating body below.

●For the Hokusei region (Kuwana, Kawagoe, Yokkaichi, Komono, Suzuka, Kameyama)

三重県北勢地区管理事業共同体 鈴鹿事務所

Mie-ken Hokusei Chiiku Kanri Jigyou Kyoudoutai Suzuka Jimusho

TEL 059-373-6802

●For the Chusei and Iga regions (Tsu, Iga, Nabari)

伊賀南部不動産事業協同組合 津事務所

Iga Nanbu Fudousan Jigyou Kyoudou Kumiai Tsu Jimusho

TEL 059-221-6171

●For the Nansei and Higashi Kishu regions (Matsusaka, Ise, Toba, Owase, Kumano, Mihama)

Nansei Chiku Kanri Jigyou Kyoudoutai


TEL 059-222-6400

[Yokkaichi] Seminar 2011 for children with foreign citizenship and their parents

2011/10/26 Wednesday Housing, News

平成23年度 外国人児童生徒と保護者のための進学ガイダンス

Title: [Yokkaichi] Seminar 2011 for children with foreign citizenship and their parents
Location: At Yokkaichi Chubu Junior High School, Special Hall ( 3F )
Description: – Come and get lots of information about
enrolling the senior high schools in Japan.
– Teachers from 9 high schools will explain outlines of their school in detail.
Come and listen to your senior’s experiences.

Lots of talks from people who go on to high schools with their dreams

Date: 2011-11-20
Everybody, parents and children, are welcome to join us!  You can get the information about high schools. Let’s find out also how they are doing their best here.

The Seminar will be presented in Japanese, and Spanish, English, Portuguese, Chinese, Thai and Tagalog interpreters are also available.

Target: Elementary School (6th Grade) & Junior High School Students, and their parents
Sponsored: Yokkaichi Board of Education,

Cosponsored: Mie Board of Education
Yokkaichi City Foundation – Sanshi Kokusairikai Kyouiku Kenkyu Kyougikai
Supported : Mie International Exchange Foundation
Inquiries: Yokkaichi Board of Education (Teaching Guidance Division TEL:059-354-8255)

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