A seminar for non-Japanese residents on the importance of studying Japanese was held in Matsusaka City.
During the first half of the seminar, a staff member from the Matsusaka City Job Center (Hellowork) taught participants how to fill out a Japanese resume.
Resumes are an important part of the employment process in Japan, and therefore must be filled out carefully and correctly. Although it is possible to use a computer to compose and print out a resume, the lecturer emphasized that employers prefer applicants to fill in a resume by hand in black ink.
Participants were given resume forms with which to practice, and were asked to think of what specifically to write for each item.
First, a job applicant must provide basic information such as name, date of birth, age and contact information. Next, the applicant must give information about their academic and work history (schools attended and jobs held). In addition to this, Japanese resumes also have space to write about about special licenses or certifications, dependents, hobbies, current state of health, and the applicant’s reason for applying, among other things.
There are other things besides resume composition that job hunters must learn in order to be successful in the Japanese job market. Attitude and posture during a job interview are two particularly important things to consider. Lecturers distributed materials about the proper way to dress for a job interview in Japan.
The lecturer also emphasized the importance of first impressions. It is crucial that job applicants wear appropriate clothing and project a clean image during any job interview. Interviewers make judgments about job applicants in a very short amount of time. Attention to detail is therefore critical.
Job Interview Advice
l Before entering the room, knock 3 times and say, “shitsurei shimasu” (しつれい します)
l Upon entering the room, say, “yoroshiku onegaishimasu” (よろしく おねがいします). Do not sit down until you are invited to sit. When you are asked to sit down, say, “shitsurei shimasu” (しつれいします) before sitting down.
l Answer questions in a clear voice.
l Remember to thank your interviewer after the interview is over by saying, “honjitsuwa arigatou gozaimashita” (ほんじつは ありがとう ございました)
During the second half of the seminar, another lecturer emphasized the importance of studying Japanese. Studying Japanese is not only important in order for non-Japanese to be successful in the Japanese job market, it will also help non-Japanese navigate everyday life in Japan.
Since 2008, the Japanese economy has been sluggish, and unemployment is high. As a result, employers are more likely to hire job applicants who can communicate in Japanese.
Being able to communicate in Japanese will also help non-Japanese residents with everyday things, such as reading traffic signs, food labels, product owner’s manuals, buttons on new washlet models, etc.
With increased Japanese proficiency, many non-Japanese residents with children attending school in Japan will be able to understand correspondence from schools, allowing them to better support their childens’ academic development.
During this seminar, participants not only got tips on how to fill in a Japanese resume and conduct themselves during an interview, they also had the opportunity to check their Japanese proficiency level, learn about Japanese study materials, and receive information about emergency preparedness. We would like to take this time to encourage you to attend similar seminars in the future. These seminars address a number of different topics and are opportunities to obtain useful information about living in Japan.