Coronavirus: when a family member is infected


For the person infected with the coronavirus

It is recommended that the child does not leave the house for 5 days after the onset of symptoms and for 24 hours after the symptoms subside, as the risk of infecting others is high. Until 10 days have passed, wear a mask and be careful not to spread the infection to others.

For caregivers and family members living in the same household

Pay attention to your own physical condition

  • Take special care during the first five days, starting from day 0 of the onset of illness in the infected person. The disease can develop up to the 7th day.
  • Avoid crowded places and wear a mask when going out. Avoid contact with people at high risk of worsening symptoms and be careful not to spread the disease to others.

Infection control measures that can be taken at home

  1. Open windows regularly for ventilation

Frequently ventilate common areas and other rooms

  1. Separate rooms whenever possible

Run the house with as few people as possible and try to keep contact time as short as possible.

*People with heart, lung or liver problems, diabetics, immunocompromised people, pregnant women, etc.  should avoid taking care of those infected with the virus.

  1. Family members living with the infected person should wear a mask if possible.

Wear a mask when in contact with infected family members and when going outside.

  1. Wash your hands frequently

Coronavirus: when a child is infected


For the person infected with the coronavirus

It is recommended that the child does not leave the house for 5 days after the onset of symptoms and for 24 hours after the symptoms subside, as the risk of infecting others is high. Until 10 days have passed, wear a mask and be careful not to spread the infection to others.

For caregivers and family members living in the same household

Pay attention to your own physical condition

  • Take special care during the first five days, starting from day 0 of the onset of illness in the infected person. The disease can develop up to the 7th day.
  • Avoid crowded places and wear a mask when going out.  Avoid contact with people at high risk of worsening symptoms and be careful not to spread the disease to others.

Guidelines for seeking medical advice

  • Observe the patient’s mood, appetite, and breathing. If the person is in a good mood, has a good appetite and normal skin color, there is basically no need to worry.  If you have any concerns, consult your doctor.
  • If you’re not sure whether or not to see a doctor, or if it’s late at night or a holiday, use the telephone consultation service.

Telephone consultation services in times of crisis

Mie Kodomo Iryo Dial (in Japanese language only)

Specialized medical consultants are available to provide telephone advice about illnesses in children.

Target-person Children under 18 years of age and their families
Consultation content Childhood illnesses, medication and accidents.
Period of consultations Monday to Saturday, from 19:30 to 20:00

Sundays, public holidays and New Year and New Year holidays (December 31 to January 3) 8:00 am – 8:00 am (24 hours)

Phone number #8000

*If #8000 does not connect, call 059-232-9955.

*The consultation is free, but call charges are paid by the user.

<Other details>

For symptoms that are not enough to call an ambulance, information is available about medical institutions that can accept the patient.

·         Iryo Net Mie * Click the link to go to an external website.  (Searchable in English).  You can view various information about medical institutions that can accept patients and all medical institutions in the Prefecture

·         Mie Emergency Medical Information Center (Mieken Kyukyu Iryo Joho Center)

TEL: 059-229-1199 (in Japanese only)

Information about medical institutions available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.  (This is not a consultation phone).