Prefectural Housing Provision to Victims of 2011 Typhoon No.12


2011/09/13 Tuesday Housing, News

Prefectural housing is now being offered to victims of the 2011 no.12 typhoon. The following is an outline of how to apply:

  1. Who can apply:

Anyone who faces an uncertain housing situation due to damage caused by the 2011 no.12 typhoon.

2.No. of homes available

Fourteen (For details please see the attached file ‘2011 no.12 typhoon housing provision list’)

3.Conditions of Tenancy:
I Rent-free, no need to place deposits or have guarantors    II Tenancy will be up to six months
III New tatami mats etc. and repairs will not be carried out
IV No pets allowed

Bath, lighting fixtures, gas stove (curtains etc. are not provided)

5.When tenants can move in:
Tenants are free to move in anytime, but for housing in Kumano and Mihama tenants will have to wait until repairs are completed.

6.Application dates:
From Tuesday 13th September until all houses are filled.
Application desk hours: Weekdays 8.30am to 5.15pm

7.Applications office:
Tsu City, Koumei-cho 13
Mie Prefecture Prefectural Land Development Housing Office

8.How to apply:
Please send the ‘Permission for Temporary Use of Mie Prefectural Housing Application Form’ by fax or email to:
FAX   059-224-3147
※Applications dealt with on a first come first served basis, applications will no longer be accepted once all available homes are filled.

*As the application procedure and various procedures once tenants have moved into the accommodation will all be undertaken in Japanese, Japanese language ability is a necessary requirement.

Downloads :

Locations (Japonese)

Order Form (PDF)

Temporary housing applications (from affected by Typhoon 12)

2011/09/13 Tuesday Housing, News


Call for temporary housing applications from individuals affected by Typhoon 12/Typhoon Talas

Kumano City and Kiho Town are currently accepting applications for temporary housing from individuals affected by Typhoon 12/Typhoon Talas. Please see application details below.

1 Residence Details
(1) Residence name         Matsunoki Juutaku
(2) Location                     Kumano-shi, Ido-cho, Azamatsunoki 1020-4

Gas and electricity services are operational. Water supply is currently unavailable, and is expected to be restored in approximately one month.
(3) Construction            Reinforced concrete, 5 floors (no elevator)
(4) Unit Dimensions             2DK
(5) Number of available units        40 units
(6) Other

Some units may require repairs before successful applicants can move in. Repairs will be conducted by the Employment Promotion Association. (Repairs are expected to be completed within 1 month)

2 Application Prerequisites
(1) Eligibility

Residents living in areas designated as regions affected by the disaster (in accordance with the Disaster Relief Act) who have lost their residence, or can no longer reside in their current residence as a result of Typhoon 12/Typhoon Talas. Applicants must append their disaster victim certificate to the housing application. Because eligibility is determined by each municipality, please enquire at your local town or city office. In the event that the number of applicants exceeds the number of available units, successful applicants will be chosen via lottery.

(2) Lease Conditions
Rent                 None
・Tenants are responsible for utility expenses and shared

service charges
Lease period           6 months

3 Contact Information and Application Period

(1) To apply, please contact:
Kumano City Welfare Office (Kumano-shi, Fukushi Jimusho)
Kumano-shi, Ido-cho 796     Tel: 0597-89-4111 Ext:161
Kiho Town Planning and Coordination Division                  (Kiho-cho, Kikaku Chousei Ka)
Minamimuro-gun, Kiho-cho, Udono 324  Tel: 0735-33-0334

(2) Application Period
Tuesday, September 13, 2011~Thursday, September 22, 2011

*  The application process and additional procedures for successful applicants is conducted entirely in Japanese and applicants must be proficient to apply.