Career Guide DVD 三重県や母国に戻って活躍している外国籍の家族の様子をDVDで紹介しています。 Share!FacebookEmailTwitterWhatsApp 2013/03/25 Monday Education, Education Mie Prefectural Government is currently hosting a series of seminars for the children of non-Japanese families and their guardians living in Mie featuring the Career Guide DVD. The prefectural government aims to give non-Japanese children and families an understanding of the Japanese education system and to call on parents and guardians to encourage children not to give up on their dreams. The DVD is currently being sent out to NPOs within Mie Prefecture who work with foreign students and residents in Mie Prefecture. The film includes interviews with residents of Mie Prefecture, including families who are supporting children through school and former students who have gone on to careers, including one who is using their language skills for a large airplane carrier. The video also emphasizes the importance of family bonds. The DVD contains advice and hints on a range of topics including educational opportunities outside of school, the importance of family life and how to support your children so they can overcome the obstacles they face and fulfill their dreams. (Interview with the chairperson of the Non-Profit Group (NPO) Aidensha Kumiko Sakamoto) “The DVD was made by Mie Prefectural Government’s Multicultural Affairs Division. Mie Prefecture is home to many children who hold non-Japanese passports and who have a parent of foreign nationality. These children come to Japan or are born here and subsequently attend school. This DVD’s purpose is to encourage these children to study, have goals and achieve them. We want not only the children, but their parents, guardians, teachers and neighbors to also have a chance to see the DVD. Children of foreign residents are often under the impression that studying in Japan is difficult, but I think it is important that we show them examples of people who have worked hard to achieve their dreams despite challenges they’ve faced. I think that will encourage them.” Sakamoto also told us about the DVD’s contents: “First, the DVD introduces the story of a foreign resident who lived in Japan as a child but was able to enter a Japanese university and become a flight attendant for a famous aviation company after graduation. After that the DVD talks to several parents and guardians about their children’s education, about the importance of education and how they have supported them in their studies. Then, it introduces a young lady who returned to Brazil to become a Japanese teacher and finally two high school students currently studying in Mie Prefecture. Teachers also make an appearance to introduce the high school entrance examination system for foreign students.” Interview with NPO Aidensha chairperson Kumiko Sakamoto: “I would like teachers to show this DVD to their students. I want them to show students the successes of others who have gone before them and to use it as guidance counseling.” Share!FacebookEmailTwitterWhatsApp « Seminar: What will you do if there is an earthquake? (2013/April) Application Period for Prefectural Housing Tenants » ↑↑ Next Information ↑↑ Seminar: What will you do if there is an earthquake? 2013/03/25 Monday Education, Education 3月22日(金)津市で地震・津波への備えについてのセミナーが開催されます。 Share!FacebookEmailTwitterWhatsApp What will you do if there is an earthquake? Learn how to protect yourself and your family Two years have passed since the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake. Have you given any thought to natural disasters? What have you done to prepare? By working together, we can prepare ourselves for earthquakes and other natural disasters. Learn more by attending our seminar! Seminar topic: Preparing for earthquakes and tsunamis Attend and learn more about things to be aware of before and after an earthquake occurs. *This seminar will be presented in Japanese only. We apologize for any inconvenience. Location: UST Tsu Building 3F Exchange Space A (Tsu-shi, Hadokoro-cho, 700) Date and Time: Friday, March 22 11:30-12:30 Primary Sponsor: Mie Prefecture With support from: Mie International Exchange Group Manabiai no Kai For more information, please contact: Mie International Exchange Foundation (MIEF) 〒514-0009 Tsu-shi, Hadokoro-cho 700 UST TSU 3F Share!FacebookEmailTwitterWhatsApp