Gun Control Measures in Mie Prefecture


2011/09/26 Monday Highlights, News, Security

Gun Control Measures in Mie Prefecture

The period between January and June of 2011 saw a rise in the number of incidents involving firearms nationwide. The increase in the number of firearm related incidents involving gang members was particularly large. Among these incidents were cases in which stray bullets entered the nearby residences of citizens with no gang connections.

 There have been no firearm related incidents in Mie Prefecture since 2008. However, the danger of innocent bystanders becoming involved in firearm related incidents is still a serious concern.

 Since it has become possible to obtain firearms, firearm parts and ammunition via the internet, everyday citizens, as well as gang members, may be in possession of firearms illegally.

To prevent firearm related crime and to ensure that regions all over the prefecture remain safe, the Mie Prefectural Police Department is intensifying enforcement of gun control laws.

The Mie Prefectural Police is also confiscating firearms such as military issue firearms, antique firearms and “Airsoft” guns.

This measure is being taken to address the issue of families or individuals keeping military issue firearms or antique firearms in storage areas as mementos.

The measure also targets “Airsoft” guns, such as the M29 and Cassiopeia models, which are considered firearms due to their potential lethality.

If you find any firearms like those listed above, please contact your nearest police department or police station.

Furthermore, if you have any information concerning firearm sightings, rumors of firearm possession or of firearms being sold on the internet, please inform the Mie Prefectural Police Department.

There is a hotline that citizens can call to report information concerning firearms. This hotline is available 24 hours a day and citizens may remain anonymous. In addition, citizens may receive monetary compensation if information that they provide results in the confiscation of firearms or the arrest of a criminal.

The number for the hotline is 0120-10-3774 and calls made to the hotline are toll free.


We appreciate your cooperation in helping to make our communities safer.



Preventing Juvenile Delinquency and Crime

2011/09/26 Monday Highlights, News, Security


A Message from the Mie Prefectural Police

 Preventing Juvenile Delinquency and Crime


The summer holidays are approaching and during this period many youth tend to stay out late, roaming the streets and occasionally, entering into various harmful activities, such as smoking or alcohol consumption. Unfortunately, during this period, the possibility of youth becoming delinquents through acts of crime, such as theft or drug abuse is extremely high. This summer, it is expected that there will be many cases dealing with crime and the victims affected by crime.

The following 3 points will help you prevent your youth from straying and protect them from crime.

1. First of all, talk with your young one.

Parents/Caregivers will normally notice unusual behavior prior to youth partaking in acts of delinquency. When parents/caregivers are busy with every day life and are not able to communicate daily with their young one or frequently leave them on their own, signs of bad behavior can be overlooked.

In general, most youth, even those that avoid confrontation with their parents/caregivers, want to be asked about their daily activities. Parents/Caregivers need to create an environment at home, where their young ones feel comfortable and are able to speak freely.


2. Secondly, add a filter to your young one’s cell-phone.

Cell-phones are convenient devices that allow users to connect to various people at anytime through the Internet. However, the Internet can expose youth to indecent graphics, videos and information containing violence. This exposure to such information can influence bad behavior and in the past has been the source of crime intentions in many incidents. A filter ring can be added to cell-phones to block any explicit material. A filter ring is a function that categories websites into (child friendly) or (adult only) and denies youth access to adult sites. Filter rings should be added to all cell-phones and computers belonging to youth under the age of 18 in order to protect them from explicit harmful material. There are various types of filter ring devices, so please consult your nearest phone or computer retailer for more information. Also, remember to talk with your family regarding the use of the Internet and set rules for all to follow.

3.  Thirdly, youth involved in, or victimized by crime, should be reported immediately.

There are adults in certain dangerous lines of work that benefit by exploiting and taking advantage of vulnerable youth by using them as sexual objects. These types of criminal acts can scar youth for life and cause them to be led into delinquent activities. If your young one is involved in, or victimized by a crime, report it to your nearest police station as soon as possible.

The Mie Prefectural Police have established a consultation line that offers advice and help for victims of bullying or crime.

「Youth Consultations 110」Free Dial 0120-41-7867


Reception Hours 、Weekdays from 9:00 to 17:00

In addition to phone consultation lines, your local Police Station and Youth Support Centre also offer support and advice through direct visits.


It is our responsibility as adults to raise youth, so that they can grow healthily into mature adults. In order to prevent youth from engaging in delinquent activities it is critical that parents/caregivers observe their behavior.


Whilst respecting the privacy of families and individuals, the community must work together as one, by positively approaching troubled youth and helping to prevent them from being mislead into delinquent behavior.