About Influenza


2013/02/07 Thursday Health, Highlights

Influenza, or the flu, is a highly contagious illness that affects ten million, or 1 out of 10, people in Japan each year.
Learning more about the flu is the first step towards protecting yourself and others from infection.
The following are answers to 9 frequently asked questions regarding the flu.

Q1) How is influenza different from the common cold?

  Common cold Influenza (the flu)
Symptoms Local symptoms, such as running nose, sore throat A fever of 38°C or above, coughing, sore throat, fatigue, joint pain and other full body symptoms
Season Common year round Peak season: Jan-Feb with sporadic cases through April or May


Q2) What is the difference between type A and type B influenza?

There are two strains of type A influenza: H1N1 and H3N2

Type B influenza causes similar symptoms to Type A influenza, and prevention methods are the same.


Q3) How is influenza transmitted?

Influenza is spread when infected individuals cough or sneeze, sending mucus containing the flu virus into the air. The virus is then transferred to others via inhalation. The flu can also be spread by contact. This happens when individuals touch infected surfaces or people and then touch their own noses or mouths.


Q4) What are some ways to prevent the flu?

l  Wash hands after returning from crowded places.

l  Use alcohol-based disinfectant.

l  Live a healthy lifestyle. Eat healthily and get an adequate amount of sleep each night. This will strengthen your immune system and help keep the flu away!


Q5) Who is more vulnerable to the flu?

The following people should take extra precautions during flu season or when they have contracted the flu:

l  The elderly

l  Children

l  Pregnant women


Q6) When should someone with flu-like symptoms seek medical attention?

If you experience coughing, sore throat, or fatigue with an accompanying fever of 38°C or greater, it is likely that you have contracted the flu. Individuals experiencing these symptoms should get tested as soon as possible at a nearby hospital or clinic.


Q7) Where should I go to get tested for the flu?

Visit a nearby general practitioner or pediatrician’s office to get tested. Don’t forget to wear a mask when you go to avoid spreading the flu to others.


Q8) What is the treatment for people with the flu?

There is anti-virus medication available for the flu. If you are prescribed flu medication by your doctor, be sure to follow all the instructions on your prescription when taking the medication. Remember to stay hydrated when you are experiencing flu symptoms. People suffering from the flu often become dehydrated, so drinking plenty of fluid is important part of recovering from influenza.


Q9) Is there anything people with the flu should be particularly careful of?

It is very important to stop the spread of the flu virus. Here are a few ways you can keep others around you from catching the flu:

l  Air out the room you are in briefly once every hour.

l  If you have a cough, wear a medical mask

l  Wash your hands regularly

l  You might still be contagious even after your fever goes away. Refrain from going to school or work for two days after fever and symptoms abate.


Note on medical masks: Be sure that your medical mask covers both your nose and mouth. The elastic bands should rest firmly behind the ears. It is also very important that your mask fit snugly against the contours of your face.

Font: 厚生労働省ホームページ http://www.mhlw.go.jp

Come to the Center Festa!

2013/02/07 Thursday Health, Highlights


Come to the Center Festa!
~Mie Prefectural Suzuka Youth Center ~

To show our appreciation for our patrons, we will be opening up our facilities for two days of hands on workshops, music and dance performances. Come check it out!
1) Date and Time:

Saturday, February 16, 2013 9:30AM-3:00PM
Sunday, February 17, 2013 9:30AM-3:00PM

2) Location

Mie Prefectural Suzuka Youth Center

Suzuka-shi, Sumiyoshi-cho, Minamitaniguchi

3) Details

l  Hands-on workshops (learn to make Ise katagami paper bookmarks, plastic crafts, flour clay crafts, black slate chopstick holders, and more)

l  Crafts exhibition

l  Model train display

l  Recreational sports and table tennis(Feb 16 only)

l  Stage performances(Feb 17 only)

l  Free food!(Feb 17 only, starting at 10:00AM, while supplies last)

l  All-you-can-eat curry(Feb 17 only, 11:00AM-2:30PM, 300 yen)


4) Additional information
Due to limited parking space, please car pool or use public transportation, if possible. The center’s regular parking lot will not be available for use by Festa guests. Guests that arrive by car should use the designated parking lot.

5) Organizer: Mie Prefectural Suzuka Youth Center


6) Co-sponsor: Mie Prefectural Kumano Youth Recreation Center “Shizen no Ie”

7) For more details, contact:
Mie Prefectural Suzuka Youth Center
〒513-0825 Suzuka-shi, Sumiyoshi-cho, Minamitaniguchi
Tel: 059-378-9811
